Blog / New Feature: Master Templates

Many of you use PDFMonkey to generate invoices or contracts. In multiple occasions you asked if could add some kind of reference templates that you could use to speed-up the creation process of such documents.

And we listened!

Today we’re proud to announce the addition of a new feature on the platform: Master Templates.

From now on, when you create a template you’ll have the choice. You have a specific idea of what you want? Start from scratch and unleash your creativity. You want a fast and efficient template to save time? Select a Master Template and customize it!

Master Templates are fully functionnal, no need to write any HTML or CSS. Of course you’ll be able to modify them, add your logo, your fonts or your colors. Our goal? To help you save time.

As of today we’re providing three templates: an invoice, a bill and a contract. New Master Templates will be added in the upcoming weeks, in particular a template for reports with beautiful charts!

You need a specific template or have a genius idea? Come talk to us by email, chat, social networks or… carrier pigeon! or simply in the comments section of this article.

The Super Templates are one more step in our journey to NoCode at PDFMonkey, we hope to see many of you at the finish line. To be continued…

December 09, 2019
Vincent Trusgnach

Vincent is the CEO of PDFMonkey, a former software architect, he remains passionate about technology but now devotes his energy to produce not quickly but better! The values that drive him are learning and transmitting.